UA-154447187-1 Julian Kynaston - Business Icon - withinu Presents The Narrow Road Podcast

Episode 13

Julian Kynaston - Business Icon

Published on: 7th December, 2020

Julian Kynaston is quite simply a Business Icon.

No introduction is needed for this guy.

The episode begins with Julian speaking about his days in the world of football hooliganism which translated into his understanding of the power of branding and led to him printing bootleg branded t-shirts to supplement his need for expensive, non-bootleg branded clothing.

The hooligan element of Julian's life got out of hand which led to him getting death threats down the phone as well as thirty plus rival hooligans waiting for him outside his grandparents' house - all at the age of 17.........

At age 19 he realised it was time to get out so he told his hooligan 'family' he was quitting to set up in business.

The rest (as the cliché goes) is history.........

"It is a mindset. When people think they're at the final door, there are 50 doors. When you're at the very end and you've run out of ideas, ring me. I'll come up with six more, don't worry."
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About the Podcast

withinu Presents The Narrow Road Podcast
Self Development & Business Podcast
withinu founder, Danny Matharu speaks with Business Owners/Entrepreneurs and Sports People to delve into what has made them and continues to make them the individual they are.

Candid conversations about their lives and careers to reveal the person behind the success.

Why 'The Narrow Road'?

Anyone who has become successful is all too aware that at times, the road to success is often a lonely, narrow one that few walk down. This brings the realisation that the biggest battles mostly come from within.

Most people desire an easy and broad road in their journey of life. Who would want to walk the narrow road, and why.....? This Narrow Road is littered with mistakes, failures and the constant temptation to turn around and join the broad road like the rest.

Continuing on this Narrow Road however, bestows these individuals with more than they could have ever imagined.

“Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” – Matthew 7:13-14
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